When designing the masterplan, we have witnessed so many schemes that are incorporating green spaces. The park, whose function can be roughly summarized as the “urban living room’, is usually designed to play a role as a smooth-transitional buffer zone between private and semi-pate space.
However, even though the green spaces are put to function as a communal zone within the residentials, they are showing us clear distinction of its boundaries – totally privatized part, and front area which seems to belong to the specific residential units, and only a little part of somewhat public green zones which makes the behaviors of visiting the park as ‘displacement’, not gradational transition like the way we experience between private room and living room in a house.
Now we can start thinking about a new way for perceiving the function of the green space by re organizing the relationship between housing and park. Sometimes they are required to set apart, but in other times, there can be a moment that natural transition between two spaces can happen without having boundaries.
And, we can start considering the scale of the green space where we can find more possibilities for making new relationship between housing and green area. By differentiating the scale, there can be more ways of functioning the urban living room.