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Published onSep 08, 2020

Eddy is a grasshopper plugin to incorporate wind and outdoor comfort analyses into sustainable architectural design. Eddy focuses on annual ventilation analyses by employing both cylindrical and box-shaped simulation domains. Unlike other CFD tools with steep learning curves, Eddy is easy-to-use and features a straightforward user interface based on Grasshopper for Rhinoceros. It helps architects and engineers to design sustainable and energy-efficient cities and empowers them with actionable ventilation and comfort metrics such as pressure coefficients and the UTCI distributions. For more experienced users, Eddy’s user interface can be dynamically extended to unlock the full potential of customized outdoor urban CFD simulations. For easy installation purposes, Eddy runs all simulations in a virtual machine and is thus independent of the user’s operating system.

The work has been submitted to two conferences so far:

Kastner, P., Dogan, T. 2018. “Streamlining meshing methodologies for annual urban CFD simulations.” Proceedings of eSim 2018.

Dogan, T., Kastner, P. 2018. “Streamlined CFD Simulation Framework to Generate Wind-Pressure Coefficients on Building Facades for Airflow Network Simulations.” Proceedings of IBPC 2018.


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